Kimley-Horn/ThirdWave Awarded $2,200,000 project to complete San Diego Regional Fiber Ring around San Diego Bay
March 25, 2015
The Port of San Diego has acted as the regional lead in implementing a fully redundant single-mode fiber optic infrastructure backbone (Fiber Ring) around San Diego Bay. Though not yet fully redundant, the first few phases of the fiber infrastructure have been completed and are in operational use by the District, San Diego Metropolitan Transit System (MTS) and City of San Diego connecting a number of sites and facilities in the San Diego Bay region. A majority of the existing Fiber Infrastructure is 144 strand cable along the backbone with some smaller spurs consisting of 48 strand cable.
Kimley-Horn and ThirdWave’s Systems Integration Group were selected to assist in completing Phase 9 of the regional deployment, which is expected to include the US Navy (Naval Base Point Loma), the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR) and the US Coast Guard (Sector San Diego) as key partner agencies. These agencies will be brought on to the regional infrastructure via outreach and receipt of rights of way. Other agencies with land management responsibilities include the City of San Diego, US Navy (Naval Base Point Loma), US Department of Interior (National Park Service, Cabrillo National Monument) and the US Coast Guard.
It is anticipated that new and or updated Memorandum of Understandings will be established with each participating agency. The project consists of the three following phases:
a. Stakeholder Outreach Services (Government and Community Relations)
b. Fiber Optic and IP Video Surveillance Systems Design Services
c. Project & fiber optic installation (Public Works/ Construction) Management Services
This fast track project will be completed in August of 2015.