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City of San Berkeley Approves 5-Year Digital Strategic Plan & Enterprise Resource Plan

November 15, 2016

Berkeley Council members attentively listened to a presentation outlining the city’s 5-year Digital Strategic Plan & Roadmap. The Plan’s focus is to leverage emerging technologies in order to provide exemplary services to the Berkeley community.

The presenters included Jovan Grogan, Deputy City Manager, Savita Chaudhary, IT Director, Tasha Tervalon, ERP Program Manager and Roy Hernandez, President/CEO ThirdWave Corporation. The team provided Council members an overview of findings and recommendations, investment requirements, and benefits to the City and community. The Plan provides actionable recommendations that are technologically viable, financially responsible and are responsive to the needs of the Berkeley community.


Noted one Council member: “This is the most interesting presentation I have ever heard.” as the project team reviewed ThirdWave’s patented data driven master plan. Another Council Member commented: “This is a great report, full of facts that support the recommendations.” The City’s Digital Strategic Plan calls for an investment in $21,000,000, of which the majority will go towards new systems and a small percentage for professional services. Another $11,000,000 was identified for a new Enterprise Resource Planning system. Said Roy Hernandez, “This was an exceptional project, primarily because of the tireless City IT Director and professional City staff. The Digital Strategic Plan will yield operational excellence, provide extraordinary customer service, and foster innovation and transformational change.”

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