City of Las Vegas: Business/IT Strategic Plan
September 2, 1997
The City of Las Vegas is notably one of the most rapidly growing municipalities in the United States. City management realized early on that comprehensive strategic planning and extensive internal analysis would be necessary to support this growth. A fundamental consideration was of course, the effective use of technology both internally and in services delivered to our citizens. The "Virtual Las Vegas" project was the result of this inner look.
Numerous consulting service providers were researched, but few were able to create and help realize a "model city" vision. ThirdWave was the exception.
Once engaged in the process we quickly understood that their experienced representatives were able to team with City staff and deliver several rapid "wins". Their ability to manage project process and resource is exceptional. They consistently demonstrate creativity innovation and flexibility driving continually toward the City's strategic objectives. We have found these folks to be true professionals, with state of the art industry knowledge coupled with the unique ability to approach the business process in a practical fashion.
Third Wave has been a significant contributor to the City of Las Vegas strategic success and without reservation I would recommend their services for the most comprehensive of strategic technology initiatives. They share the City's Virtual Las Vegas vision and have formed a partnership to ensure its success; moving departments "kick'n and scratch'n" into the 21" century.
Joseph Marcela
Information Technologies
City of San Jose: Silicon Valley Intelligent Trans. System - Infrastructure Master Plan
April 20, 2007
Roy Hernandez, the president of ThirdWave was the project manager for our project. His strengths are project management and developing multiple stakeholder IT master plans. He uses a structured method of interviewing that 1) immediately drills down to the problems and issues that need to be addressed, 2) quantifies the amount of impacts, 3) draws out solutions from the user perspective, and 4) summaries the benefits. He understands the need to develop the master plan from political, operation, and management viewpoints. He also clearly understands how to develop a master plan that executive staff can embrace and understand.
Ken Salvail
City of San Jose
West Valley Sanitation District
March 26, 2018
Can’t thank you enough for the wisdom you imparted while working with the City of San Jose. Working for a much smaller agency now, and just today, I was talking to staff about your Rapid Workflow® Process as we are trying to utilize GIS to help deliver CIP projects more efficiently.
Ken Salvail
Senior Civil Engineer
West Valley Sanitation District