City of Carlsbad Retains ThirdWave to Articulate 5-Year Strategic Technology Roadmap
January 21, 2013
Minutes north of San Diego lays the City of Carlsbad, who retained ThirdWave to carry out an enterprise Information Technology Strategic Plan. The seaside community boasts nearly seven miles of beautiful beaches, scenic lagoons and rolling hills blanketed with colorful flower fields. The city has a population of 107,000 and covers 39 square miles. Carlsbad has a wide range of businesses, such as life sciences, action sports manufacturing, clean technology, information and communications technology, hospitality and leisure.
Employing ThirdWave’s patented Rapid Workflow Enterprise Architecture Tool, a comprehensive technology strategic plan was developed for the City. The following statement by a member of the Carlsbad PD represents the general consensus on the project: “The PD received a copy of the Rapid Workflow model for the crime reporting process and was very pleased. In the last couple of days, just about everyone that participated in the meeting has commented on how impressed they are with you, your company and the strategic planning process. We are confident that a good and comprehensive plan will be developed for the entire City using this process.” The final strategy was adopted and several key initiatives funded by City management and elected officials.
After the completion of the engagement, ThirdWave was called back to hold several Rapid Workflow workshops to help identify requirements and functional / technical specifications for RFPs to procure new Enterprise Content Management System and Enterprise Resources Planning System.