Centennial Retains ThirdWave for Asset Management System Assessment
February 20, 2020
Centennial, CO, has commissioned ThirdWave to carry out a Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) assessment for the City’s Public Works department. This engagement represents the fourth project ThirdWave has carried out for the City, which was preceded by the City’s IT Strategic Plan (2015), Rapid Workflow® Certification Training (2017), and ERP Requirements & RFP (2018).
The project will employ ThirdWave’s patented Requirements Definition methodology and process to articulate functional and technical specifications custom tailored to the City and community of Centennial. As-Is and To-Be Rapid Workflow Process assessments will be used to identify detailed specifications for the following asset management processes:
1. Streets Maintenance
2. Traffic Management
3. Facilities Management
4. Parks Maintenance
5. Fleet Management
6. Street Rehabilitation
7. Streets Capital Improvement Program (CIP)
8. Field Maintenance
9. CRC (City Call Center) 311
10. Right-of-Way Permitting
The data from this process will inform the asset management / CMMS Request for Proposal and system procurement process, ensuring the City obtains the most responsive solution at the right price.