ThirdWave wins City of Fresno rare engagement to develop IT & GIS Strategic Plans
May 3, 2022
The City of Fresno, 5th largest city in California, is seeking a highly-qualified consultant to provide a IT Strategic Plan (ITSP) for the City’s IT Function. The objective of the project is to develop a vision, strategy, and roadmap for the effective use of technology to support City operations and services to its community. The proposed ITSP will become the cornerstone to improve the balance between demand for enhanced technology, available IT resources, including staff and capital and operating funds, as well as security provisions. The five (5) year ITSP to guide the City’s future planning, procuring, implementing and managing current and future investments and resources. The strategic plan will also address IT governance and staffing levels.
According to the City, ThirdWave was selected over other nationally recognized ITSP consulting firms, because of our comprehensive, proven methodology – and the fact we have a rare mix of experience and expertise with IT and GIS Strategic Planning,” notes Sergio Hernandez, ThirdWave Executive VP.