Nationally recognized GIS Thought Leader NSGIS and ThirdWave Sign Strategic Partnership
January 1, 2017
Los Angeles-based technology leaders NSGIS (NorthSouth GIS LLC) and ThirdWave Corporation have entered into a strategic technology partnership to collaborate on GIS projects aimed at fully leveraging the emerging broad-base of geospatial technologies. Both firms share an extensive body of work over several decades within a number of vertical markets, including local government, ports, airports, and special districts (water, power, sanitation, and utilities). Each partner also brings unique and complementary areas of expertise in a variety of emerging Information Technologies, such as enterprise systems, Big Data, and numerous enterprise application integrations that use spatial data. Roy Hernandez, President and CEO of ThirdWave, notes, "We have been aware of NSGIS" technical prowess since the early 2000s, and have watched them take GIS applications in engineering, asset management, and security environments to a whole new level. We’re thrilled to have them as a partner, adding significant value to the professional services we offer our clients.” Daniel Elroi, President and CEO of NSGIS, adds “ThirdWave has an impressive track record in guiding clients through complex IT challenges and in delivering recommendations that actually get funded and executed. This partnership will help our clients turn their geospatial needs into reality.”