Port Hueneme Extends ThirdWave’s Contract to Procure Enterprise Resource Planning System
April 19, 2021
The City of Port Hueneme is a seaside community in Ventura County, California, located 60 miles northwest of Los Angeles and 40 miles south of Santa Barbara. On April 14, Deputy City Manager Charles Peretz presented a contract amendment to the City Council, extending ThirdWave’s Professional Service Agreement. (The original contract was to produce the City’s first IT Master Plan (ITMP).) The additional engagement was predicated, according to City executives, on the outstanding services provided by ThirdWave on the ITMP.
Port Hueneme will continue its partnership with ThirdWave to develop an ERP Request for Proposal (RFP) document and facilitate the entire procurement process through contract negotiation. As we have done for the last 28 years, ThirdWave will leverage the significant knowledge gained in the IT Master Planning project to successfully procure and implement the City’s ERP.
Working in partnership with the City, ThirdWave will use the data from the ITMP to articulate requirements, developing solicitation documents, facilitating vendor demonstrations, and represent the best interest of the City in contract negotiations. “ThirdWave appreciates the show of confidence placed on our firm by the City. We look forward to continuing our rare track record of success with ERP deployments,” noted ThirdWave founder and president, Roy Hernandez.