Time Machine

This Time Machine illustrates how ThirdWave went from an entrepreneurial startup, established on the Black Monday stock market crash (October 19, 1987) with a $3,000 investment. It went on to become a nationally recognized, international award winning, and highly respected technology company. The Time Machine illustrates a remarkable depth and breadth of innovative thought leadership and an impressive body of trailblazing work.

Significant Body of Work
A sampling of significant projects presented in the Time Machine are listed below:
Recipient as one vendor for the City of Philadelphia, a $10,000,000 Master Services Contract in 2017.
Development of a fiber ring around the San Diego Bay, a $2,600,000 project in 2015.
PMO services for a $2,500,000 ERP deployment for Helix Water, $100,00 under budget, ahead of schedule.
Developer of the first fully paperless transportation procurement application, OCTA’s CMM NET application in 1999, and re-written after 20 years in operation with contemporary web services technology.
Developed the website redesign strategy for the City of San Jose (the Capital of Silicon Valley).
Recipient of Latino Coalition/AFLAC Civic Award for longstanding entrepreneurship and community service.
Business Process Improvement for CAlSTRS – a retirement fund with $160.2 billion in assets.
Pioneer of government web-enabled online services applications.
Fiber Infrastructure Master Plan for 14 cities in Silicon Valley.
Business process re-engineering of LAX procurement processes for a $1.3 billion construction program.
Developed first web Integrated Criminal Justice Information System in California, a $1,400,000 project.
Programmed a building permitting application used to build all hotels in Las Vegas from 1997 to 2002.
Y2k rewrite of Los Angeles DWP Customer Billing System – a $2,000,000 programming project.
Replaced all technologies at the City of Las Vegas, a 5-year/$10,000,000 project, completed in 4 years.
Multiple year, $9,500,000 contract, to act as the Los Angeles County METRO IT organization.
CADD system expertise to world renown A&E firms, Wolfgang Puck for 50 restaurant building program.
Chevron’s onsite IT Dept. supporting 800 PCs, Macs and several mainframes.
Pioneer of 3D animation services to Hollywood Studios: DreamWorks, 20th Century Fox and Sony Pictures.
5 year/$11,000,000 GIS project for US West with 147 ThirdWave staff mapping all facilities in 7 states.
Onsite IT Staffing for the Hyperion Treatment Plant project, a 10-year $23,000,000,000 (twenty-three billion).
GIS Wye Map implementing the firs Esri GIS at the City of LA.
City of Los Angeles CADD requirements and RFP for $6,000,000 procurement and implementation.
Select a year to see the significant achievements in a 33-year legacy of outstanding performance, results and success!