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ThirdWave’s Innovative Rapid Workflow® Enterprise Architecture Tool Awarded Patent


December 24, 2014

After a long and arduous process, ThirdWave Corporation received an exciting Christmas present, our firm was awarded a Patent by the U. S. Patent Office for it revolutionary Rapid Workflow® methodology, an Enterprise Architecture Design Tool. (Patent No. US 8,615,423 B1) Noted as the Inventor, Roy Hernandez, Founder, President, CEO of ThirdWave Corporation, developed the method, which entails conducting enterprise analysis, design, planning, and solution implementation of business and Information Technology solutions. The highly effective tool produces the responsive development and execution of a business and/or service delivery strategies. 
“Similar to a GPS, Rapid Workflow® is an Enterprise Design Tool that employs a triangulation framework to address all facets of an organization.” stated Mr. Hernandez, the inventor of the methodology. Identifying business, functional and technical requirements, it facilitates the synthesis of various system/subsystem relationships to guide corporate and government organizations through transformational change. Rapid Workflow® articulates actionable initiatives and key performance indicators, including policy, organization, business process, and Information Technology improvements that produce measurable results and benefits. 
Rapid Workflow has been used on more than 350 engagements for government and Fortune 500 organizations throughout the US, Canada and the Middle East. It is a proven tool; 3,000+ workshops have been held and more than 1,000 professionals have been certified on the Rapid Workflow® tool. Due to its effectiveness, many organizations have adopted it as a best practice.

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